Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009



DO NOW:I can be more proficient in keyboarding by doing what i'm suppost to do everyday,not only in technology.keyboarding is a skill we need to learn and to do everyday.Keyboarding is cool,fun,and necessary to us.We need keyboarding skills to be a proffesional in our job and were ever we went to.Keyboarding is very useful to use because we need to be very fast at it in our job!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Do now

do now:we learn how to use keyboarding skills because when we grow up we need to use the internet.if our boss assign use an assinment for 5 miniutes and its a two page lon assingment we are going to have to use our keyboarding skills on board and do it quik.keyboarding is very useful for job because it very important because when you apply to a job your going to have to do it fast if not their going to say that you are not fast enought for the job.this skill is really importing because you are going to use it wherever we go.

Monday, February 16, 2009


DO NOW:Bubble share helps us evaluate by seeing  the the powerpoint as it keeps on moving on and on.Bubble share is helpful because it moves by its self without us having to move it everytime we need to move it.It helps us by moving it's self when we need it to move.Learning how to use the bubble share really helps because when your in your job when you grow up when you start or maybe  even in projects from your job you are going to have to share information and you are going to do powerpoints about you job.